Do you want to get 100% real-time API for historical Aluminium prices in 2022, read this article and learn!

Brief Information About Aluminium
Aluminum is a lightweight silvery-white metal. It’s flexible and malleable. Aluminum is utilized in cans, foils, cooking utensils, window frames, beer kegs, and airplane parts, among other things.
Most commodities took an upward turn in 2021, but what will 2022 bring for metals such as aluminum? demand to expand by 4.6 percent in 2022 following last year’s rapid post-pandemic bounce. As a result, you should stay current on the market so that you don’t miss out on profitable possibilities by evaluating which alternative is best for you.
In this regard, the best tool for acquiring real-time information about metals is to use an API, which is an interface for receiving data from a place and sending it to the person who requested it. It’s that easy, and you’ll find yourself employing it in a variety of situations. It’s called Metals-API, and we’ll show you how to use it.

- Go to and press GET API KEY in the top right corner
- They have a range of plans, but we’ll begin with the free one for this instance. Select Get API Key from the drop-down menu.
- You’ll be required to create an account, after which you’ll get a verification email. You will be driven to the most recent Metals-API dashboard when you click on the email to check your account. Click the ‘Dashboard’ button in the left-hand sidebar.
- Your API access key should now be visible to you. Make a copy of it and safely store it; we’ll need it later. The Metals API is now available to you.
There are 5 main API Endpoints through which you can access different kinds of data, all starting out with this Base URL:
Simply attach your unique Access Key to one of the endpoints as a query parameter:
- API root:
- Endpoint: /latest
- Query strings: ?base=USD&symbols=XAU,XAG&access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
When we bring it all together, we get the full API Request URL:,XAG&access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
- Latest rates endpoint: Returns real-time exchange rate data for all available or a specific set of currencies.
- Convert endpoint: This allows you to convert any number from one currency to another.
- Historical rates endpoint: Returns historical exchange rate data for all available currencies or a selection of them.
- Time-Series data endpoint: Returns daily historical exchange rate data between two specified dates for all available or a specific set of currencies.
- Fluctuation data endpoint: Returns fluctuation data between two specified dates for all available or a specific set of currencies
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