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Benefits Of Vehicle Damage Detection API For Car Rental Companies

How beneficial can it be for programmers, and consequently for their clients in the field of car rental, to develop tools for detecting, identifying, classifying, locating and appraising damages on vehicles?

Both for car renters and car hirers, tourists, business travellers, car rental is a business that provides a practical solution for a short period of time. Car rental companies and hirers or renters need certainty that the car is the appropriate conditions to ride, and thus avoid wreckage, unexpected defects and ultimately insurance issues. This is when a vehicle damage detector comes of use.

Benefits Of Vehicle Damage Detection API For Car Rental Companies

However, it is important to consider all aspects before renting a vehicle since there are many hidden charges and various restrictions that can make the trip unpleasant if the renter or hirer is careless. Thorough inspection of a rented vehicle is indispensable at the moment of renting it out and also when the vehicle is returned. To ease down the process and avoid the intervention and inaccurate of the human eye nothing better than Vehicle Damage Detector API.

This way they can provide a better service and trustworthiness of their company.
That is why it is very important that they use an API that allows them to do this task in seconds without having to spend hours analyzing each vehicle one by one. Vehicle Damage Detector API can detect more than 15 different types of damage in real time.

Why Vehicle Damage Detector?

When renting a car, there are many risks. Insurance coverage may fail to respond for existing damage or for consequences of natural disasters (floods) and traffic issues. However, if the vehicle isn´t checked up properly at the moment of taking it, the individual may later be charged for damage that was already on the vehicle.

Thus the relevance of an API that will monitor and scan the can to make the customer and the company sure that any damage detected upon returning the vehicle wasn´t on the car before the transaction. Therefore, it is important to use an API that can detect damage on both vehicles and people.

This is very useful software because it can save time and money for both the rental company and their customers. It can also help prevent fraud by ensuring that customers are not overcharged for any damage that may have already been on the vehicle, and this impacts on the reputation and reliability of the company.

Benefits Of Vehicle Damage Detection API

There are many benefits of using a vehicle damage detection API. First of all, it can help save time by automating part of the process of inspecting vehicles for damage. This can help speed up the process of renting cars and trucks. In addition, an API can help automate some of the process of detecting damage on vehicles.

An API can also help improve customer service by allowing customers to easily report any damage they find on their vehicles so as to improve their renter experience.

Use Vehicle Damage Detector API

If you’re looking for a great API for vehicle rental business, then Vehicle Damage Detector API is a great option. This API is easy to use and can quickly detect any damage to vehicles or people in an image, with accuracy and efficiency, and in real time.

Vehicle Damage Detector API is also very easy to integrate into any existing systems and web applications. This means that one can start using it right away without any hassle. This API
also offers a variety of plans so as to choose the one that best suits one´s needs. It also offers a no-charge plan so you can try it out before committing to anything.

Benefits Of Vehicle Damage Detection API For Car Rental Companies

Counting on a subscription on Zyla API Hub marketplace, just start using, connecting and managing APIs. Subscribe to Vehicle Damage Detector API by simply clicking on the button “Start Free Trial”. Then meet the needed endpoint and simply provide the picture of the product. Make the API call by pressing the button “test endpoint” and see the results on display. The AI will process and retrieve an accurate report using this data.

It`s advisable to keep the input image under 5MB, between 2000×2000 and 640×480in resolution for a more accurate response. To avoid longer process times it´s recommended not to use higher resolution images. For best damage detection, it’s recommended to take a close picture of the area, approx. 80cm – 1.5m when taking the picture. 

If the input is “draw_result”: true,
“image”: “”
, the result will look like this:

        "bbox": [
        "damage_category": "severe_scratch",
        "damage_color": [
        "damage_id": "2",
        "damage_location": "right_rear_tire",
        "score": 0.497413
  "output_url": "",
  "url_expiry": "2022/08/04 13:45:52"

Published inAPIApps, technologyTechnology
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