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Benefits Of Using The VAT Number Check API For E Commerce Businesses

Do you sell goods or services online? If so, you may be required to collect value-added tax (VAT) from your customers. One way to do this is to use a VAT number check API. In this article, we’ll explain how this tool can help your e-commerce business.

Businesses in the EU are required to charge VAT on most goods and services they sell. However, they are allowed to deduct this tax when they buy goods or services from other businesses. This results in a net amount of tax owed to the government, which is paid to the appropriate tax authority on a periodic basis.

In order to ensure that all businesses are paying the correct amount of VAT, each business must have a unique identification number known as a VAT number. This number is used by businesses to declare their VAT liability and deduction for each sale or purchase they make.

To avoid fraud, the EU keeps a list of VAT numbers that have been invalidated or no longer in use. This list is known as the VAT MOSS (Mini One Stop Shop) list, and it is available online. However, many businesses still use outdated VAT numbers because they don’t know how to check them.

Benefits Of Using The VAT Number Check API For E Commerce Businesses

A VAT number validation API can help you keep your records up-to-date and accurate by ensuring that you are using only valid VAT numbers. Additionally, if you need to make a VAT return, this API will help you identify which customers are located in the EU so that you can collect the correct amount of VAT from them.

Benefits Of Using VAT Number Check API For E Commerce Businesses

1) Avoid paying VAT on goods and services that you have purchased for your business
2) Know if your customer is a registered company or individual
3) Avoid penalties if you sell to a customer who is not registered
4) Be able to claim back any VAT that you pay when you purchase goods or services for your business
5) Be able to claim back any VAT that you pay when you purchase goods or services for your business
6) Know if your customer is a registered company or individual
7) Know if your customer is located in the European Union
8) Be able to provide proof of purchase if requested by a tax authority

Uses Cases

There are several APIs available on the market today; however, we believe that the best one is the VAT Validation API, which is available on Zyla API Hub. This API allows you to quickly determine whether or not a VAT number is valid. It also provides additional information such as the country in which the company is based and the address of its headquarters.

Benefits Of Using The VAT Number Check API For E Commerce Businesses

 What Makes the VAT Validation API the Best?

The VAT Validation API is great for getting a thorough picture of your sales taxes. You will be able to see which taxes apply to each item in your catalog, as well as the rates at which they apply.

Furthermore, VAT Validation API is suitable for anyone who want to set up their own taxes system for their government. It’s also ideal for anyone curious about the kind of taxes collected by different countries.

Finally, VAT Validation API is great for those who want to ensure that all of their transactions are both valid and safe. This method, you can determine whether or not any of your VAT numbers are correct.

How To Use It

1- Go to VAT Validation API and simply click on the button  “Try Free for 7- Days” to start using the API.
2- After signing up in Zyla API Hub, you’ll be given your personal API key. Using this one-of-a-kind combination of numbers and letters, you’ll be able to use, connect, and manage APIs!
3- Employ the different API endpoints depending on what you are looking for.
4- With your API key, you can already integrate the API in the language you need. In the mentioned URL, you can find a lot of Code Snippets, that can facilitate your integration.

So,  “VALIDATE”  is the endpoint you have to choose and you may examine the following responses:

API Responses:
"valid": true,
"countryCode": "GB",
"vatNumber": "947785557",
"companyAddress": "58-60 COLNEY ROAD",
"companyCity": "DARTFORD",
"companyPostCode": "DA1 1UH"

The VAT Validation API is one of the most important APIs for this type of work. It can provide results for both confirming the same number and associating the same number with specific organizations. It also supports a wide number of computer languages, making it simple to integrate into an application or website.

Published inAPI