If you answer the phone and hear a recorded message instead of a live person’s voice, it’s a pre-recorded robocall. If you’re getting a lot of robocalls trying to sell you something, they’re probably illegal calls. Many are probably also scams. This happens not only to final consumers but also to companies. Therefore, keep reading Avoid Spam Calls With The Number Comprobation API, we will tell you about Check Spam Callers API, an ideal tool for your company.

Are pre-recorded robocalls legal?
A robocall trying to sell you something is illegal unless you have given a company your written permission to call you that way. To get your permission, the company must clearly tell you that it is asking for your permission to call you with robocalls and cannot force you to accept the calls to obtain a product or service. If you give your permission, you have the right to change your mind later.
FTC rules allow a few types of robocalls without your permission, such as calls from political organizations about candidates running for office or from charities asking for donations. Read on for more examples.
Why am I getting so many pre-recorded robocalls?
Scammers and telemarketers find it easier and cheaper to make robocalls over the internet from anywhere in the world.
How can I tell if a robocall is a scam?
If someone is already breaking the law by making a robocall without her permission, it’s probably a scam. At a minimum, it’s a company you don’t want to do business with. Don’t trust your caller ID. Scammers can spoof the name and number on your caller ID so that the call appears to come from a government agency like the Social Security Administration or a local number. That’s called Caller ID spoofing or incoming call origination spoofing.
To stay alert, you can learn about common phone scams like government imposter scams. If someone calls you out of the blue and asks you to give them your personal information or wire money or pay with a gift card, it’s a scam.
Why doesn’t Do Not Call Registries stop pre-recorded robocalls?
National Do Not Call Registries in each country are designed to stop sales calls from real companies that abide by the law. The Registry is a list that tells telemarketers which numbers are not allowed to be called. The FTC does not and cannot block calls. Scammers don’t care if you’re on the Registry.
Although the Registry can’t stop every spam call you’re receiving, signing up for the Registry can make it easier for you to identify calls that are scams. If a caller is ignoring the log or making an illegal robocall, hang up the phone. It is most likely a scam.
Check Spam Callers API
This API will provide you with information to check if an incoming call is a spam. With coverage for more than 60 countries. The only thing you will need is the incoming call number and you will be provided with a message if the call is spam or not. Check Spam Callers API is ideal for those developers that need to implement a spam check in their software. Prevent your users from receiving spam calls. Also, you will be able to filter your phone’s databases and determine if those numbers are spam or not. Besides, other than the number of API calls per month, there are no other limitations.

If you want to learn more about this Check Spam Callers API, read How To Start Using The Spam Checker API
Thank you for reading Avoid Spam Calls With The Number Comprobation API!
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