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Alternatives To Smartproxy For Google Web Scraping API

Smartproxy is a Google web scraping API with great techniques. To know about some of its best alternatives, stay here!

Let’s Talk About APIs Like Smartproxy

Application Programming Interfaces or how they are widely known as APIs, are tools that allow companies to get data from different places. Depending on the type of API the company is working with, it will extract data from websites, apps, search engines, and more. Essentially, an API is a tool that dynamically goes through programs in order to extract data. Data that will be used by other businesses and Software for enhancement and successful performances. 

When it comes to Smartproxy, we’re talking about a Google web scraping API. These types of APIs focus on extracting data from the results of the Google search engine. The API follows to analyze and provide companies with those results that match best their goals. For example, with the Smartproxy API businesses may discover how to position themselves better, the most precise keywords, the place of competitors in Google, and more. 

Alternatives To Smartproxy For Google Web Scraping API

Moreover, if they are looking to know the results that appear with certain terms or words, Google Search APIs like Smartproxy will do so. After, it retrieves a list of the top results from Google that appear when a user uses the term. 

Why Analyze Google?

Evidently, we all know or at least have heard about Google. This is a search engine around 90% of the population uses. Hence, for companies to reach wider audiences and extend their appearance on Google is a great option. Clearly, appearing in the top positions of the search engine is hard and competitive. There are a number of factors that may intervene. For example, the content, amount titles, images, and so on. This is where the importance of APIs like Smartproxy comes into action. 

With the results that the API retrieves, companies can evaluate those sites that appear first. Therefore, they can get those insights into their strategies, SEO tactics, and more. Even though this is a great Google web scraping API, you may want more options and alternatives. I will list them below. 

Smartproxy Alternatives:

Alternatives To Smartproxy For Google Web Scraping API

Google Web Searching API

The Google Web Searching API is an application programming interface that just like Smartproxy has the power to scrape Google results. With this tool, companies will receive the best results on top regarding specific keywords. Hence, they will have the methods to execute great analyses. 

Moreover, the Google Web Searching API allows businesses to have power under the Google results they’ll receive. This is thanks to the filters the API offers so one can limit how specific or not the results will be. For example, only Spanish results.

Alternatives To Smartproxy For Google Web Scraping API


This second alternative to Smartoproxy is Serpsbot. This is an API that will scrape those top results on the search engine. Hence, the SERP results on Google in a fast and reliable method. This is a great Google Search API for all companies and developers. 


Finally, here we have Seprwow. This is a web scraping API that can act most search engines. Of course, Google is included but also Bing, Yahoo, eBay, and way more. It will scrape organic results, news, and images, among others. 

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Published inAppsTechnology
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