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Alternatives To Mailerlite API To Detect Temporary Emails

If you need alternatives to Mailerlite API, here we recommend three options. With them, you can detect temporary emails quickly.

Many people around the world handle mail today. This tool is used both in the workplace and in society. Although large masses of people today also use other instant messaging services, it cannot be denied that mail remains in a privileged place. It is still very popular and in fact, it is acquiring new attributes over the years.

Alternatives To Mailerlite API To Detect Temporary Emails

Thanks to its usefulness, many companies around the world carry out advertising strategies via mail. They direct these campaigns toward those people who have mailboxes (the vast majority of the world) who have interacted with the company’s digital media.

Thus, agencies enlarge their databases. They then use these bases to achieve fluid communication with their clientele. However, you can find different emails that generate bounce rates, such as temporary emails.

Temporary Mails

A type of temporary mail is distinguished in that it exists only for a limited amount of time. Then it is automatically deleted. This type of temporary or disposable email frequently exists and this is because it can be very useful at certain times.

For some programs or web pages, it becomes a necessity to be able to carry out safety tests. On the other hand, temporary emails can refer to corporate emails that a company generates during the employment relationship, but after the contract ends they expire.

Unfortunately, if you run an advertising campaign and send a lot of emails to temporary addresses, you will get a higher bounce rate. This will cause mailboxes to consider you a questionable sender and send your emails to spam directly.

That is why it is key to have an API that allows you to reduce bounce rates by detecting temporary and invalid emails and having a more effective marketing campaign. In this post, you can find three options.

E-Mail Verification and Temporary Emails Detector

Alternatives To Mailerlite API To Detect Temporary Emails

With this tool, you will no longer have huge bounce rates. You will be able to detect if the mails you have as recipients are false, threatening, or temporary. In this way, you will achieve a much more effective advertising campaign.

Your mails will arrive in the main tray of the accounts and you will have a more personal and fluid communication with your audience. Also, the API automatically does all the work. This is a huge time and money saver as trying to verify emails manually will be a huge waste. Therefore, it is time to succeed with your campaigns with this API.

Captain Verify

Alternatives To Mailerlite API To Detect Temporary Emails

Captain Verify is an excellent alternative if you want something basic but strong. Filters and refines mailing lists for consumers. It can greatly improve your overview of the complete reliability of your email list.


Alternatives To Mailerlite API To Detect Temporary Emails

It contains many tools that enable individuals to monitor their email lists for forgeries and frauds. Apart from that, it provides users with an accurate picture of how your marketing strategy is faring. Users utilize it for a variety of purposes, the most essential of which is email responsible for testing. Mailgun monitors bounce, severe bounce, and uninstall rates.

Published inApps, technology