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Add This Throwaway Email Address API To Your Company

Are you looking for a way to protect your company’s email addresses from spam? You need to try this API!

These days, emails are important, everyone uses them for different purposes, and because of that, it’s difficult to maintain a clean inbox and avoid spam. If you want to make sure you avoid spam in your company’s email, we recommend a temporary email API like Mailet.

Add This Throwaway Email Address API To Your Company

With temporary email APIs, developers can create email addresses and then dispose of them when they are no longer needed. Because these services allow you to generate a temporary email address that you can use instead of your real one, you avoid signing yourself up for years of spam emails, as well as skirting targeted ads and data leaks.

What are temporary email addresses?

Temporary email addresses are aliases to your real email address that you can use to sign up on different sites, and they are deleted after a certain period. They are also known by other names such as disposable emails, fake emails, anonymous emails, and throwaway emails.

How do disposable email addresses work?

Temp emails work just like regular email addresses. The only difference is

  • You don’t need to share your name, contact number, or any other personal information to get a temp email address.
  • These emails don’t last forever.

In general, temp email providers (which we’ll be discussing later) do all the work, including setting up a mail server and DNS record. You can paste these email addresses where you want and start receiving emails.

What is an email API?

An email API is a set of programming interfaces that allow you to send and receive emails using code. This can be used to integrate email functionality into your application or website.

Why do you need disposable email addresses?

The use of disposable email addresses is becoming more and more frequent, due to the need to protect our contact information and the reputation of our business.

Also, they’re often used by companies to send promotional emails to their customers, as they are a good way to test new marketing campaigns before sending them to your entire database.

The reason so many people are using them is cause if you don’t use a disposable email API, you will have to do everything manually. This can be very time-consuming and error-prone. Using a disposable email API allows you to quickly create, verify and deliver emails without having to set up any infrastructure or SMTP servers. It also allows you to create and manage multiple disposable email addresses at once.

If you’re looking for an easy way to protect your company’s emails, then we recommend using the temporary email API Mailet.

How To Start Using This API

The temporary Email API Mailet is very easy to use, all you have to do is:

  • Sign up and obtain your own API key.
  • All you have to do is enter the email address you want to use as well as the name of the person receiving the email.
  • Finally, just execute the API call and that’s it! Your temporary email will be ready in just seconds.

So what are you waiting for? Try Mailet and start sending disposable emails easily with just a few clicks.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAPI