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A glimpse into the world of paraphrasing APIs

Do you need an introduction to the world of paraphrasing APIs? We’ll give you what you need here!

This review will only create more expectations for you regarding paraphrasing tools. The truth is that they are so simple to use and have so many advantages that you want to start using them immediately. However, it is good to do some research first, so after you can choose the best available alternative. It is also important to decide based on the use you’ll give to it and the devices you have to use it.

Today, there are many options to consider and complete. Although, some are distinguished because they have functions that others do not have. On top of that, if they serve you more for your work, they become instantaneously more attractive.

When you search for a paraphrasing program, it is relevant to see on which devices that API works best. Besides, you have to know if it takes up a lot of memory, what operating systems it is compatible with, what basic features it has, and if it also offers additional features with a paid plan. You’ll find out that information in the following paragraphs.

A glimpse into the world of paraphrasing APIs

Three ways to get inside the world of paraphrasing APIs

A glimpse into the world of paraphrasing APIs
  • Plaraphy: the first API to mention is Plaraphy because it’s friendly to new users and complete at the same time. You can register for free to start. It has a web tool, a browser extension and an API. Besides, you’ll be able to utilize two hundred characters without spending a cent and try how it works first. It has four writing modes to shape the paraphrasing, and the return comes in seconds. And better, it has customer support nine hours a day to help you.
A glimpse into the world of paraphrasing APIs
  • Quillbot: In second place comes this web tool, which has two writing modes to paraphrase your paragraphs: formal and standard. Plus, if you subscribe, there are another three options available and the chance of expanding or making shorter your text. When you check its website, you can observe a free alternative with a limit of one hundred and twenty-four words to paste. Also, you can upload documents to modify. As well as summarize texts, correct grammar and generate citations.
A glimpse into the world of paraphrasing APIs
  • Paraphrase online: In the third place, we introduce you to this paraphrasing website, which only works with the English language for free. It rewrites texts automatically. Besides, it works with any writing, and its main target is students, bloggers, teachers and whoever works with redaction. Paste this link into your search and put the text production you want to change into the chart with the name ‘text before’. Then click on the word ‘paraphrase’ to obtain an answer.

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