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A Fool-Proof Formula for Easy Currency Strength Data

Are you looking for currency strength data ? Then, you need to use a Forex API!

If you’re making a transaction or an investment, you need to know what the currency’s strength is like. So, if you’re planning on investing in a foreign market or want to make a purchase from a different country, you need to take currency strength into account. Now, the most obvious way to do this is to manually calculate the exchange rate. But that’s a huge pain. And it will take forever.

There are dozens of ways you can use to measure currency strength. Some are more complicated than others. And some are even more useful than others. But they all have one thing in common: they are all time-consuming and/or difficult. That’s why we’re here today! We have the perfect solution for your problem: an API that provides easy access to currency strength information!

A Fool-Proof Formula for Easy Currency Strength Data

Compare currency strength with a Forex API

Let’s talk about how an API can help with this whole mess. First of all, an Applicaton Programming Interface is basically a tool that lets you access data from any website or app that has one. There are a lot of APIs out there, and a lot of different kinds. But, in this case, you need a Forex API to get data about real-time exchange rates for world currencies.

With an API like that, you can access information about a currency, its actual value, its historical data, and more! And with its help, you will be able to compare currency strength at any time of the day! However, there are several forex APIs out there. So, how can you know the best one? Easy-peasy! Without further ado, we will tell you which one it is!

Exchangr API offers a fool-proof formula

If you want to know what is the exact value of a certain currency at a certain time, you should consult Exchangr for foreign exchange rates. Exchangr is a real-time API that delivers excellent currency exchange rates and conversions using the JSON database structure. This application gives relevant data (including real-time data, and historical data) on 172 worldwide currencies, plus cryptocurrencies. Overall, it offers information about 30.000 currency pairs!

Also, you can incorporate Exchangr into your webpage or app using its WordPress Plugin. This way you will have access to foreign exchange rates every time you need them without searching in other places for them! With all this foreign information at your disposal, Exchangr API helps you avoid uncertainty and make wise decisions about your economic future.

A Fool-Proof Formula for Easy Currency Strength Data

Currency Values are at the tip of your fingers with Exchangr

You may start enjoying Exchangr right now without having to pay anything. You might wonder how to do so; well it’s very easy!

  • To begin, click here to sign up for a free account.
  • Afterwards, you’ll have your own API key to access Exchangr’s endpoints (conversion, timeseries, fluctuation).
  • Enter the currencies for which you wish to obtain data.
  • Finally, perform the API call. To see how to do it, visit Exchangr’s Documentation by clicking here. It’s very well explained and we are sure you will find no troubles with it!

That’s all you need to do! Exchangr will provide you with the results in a matter of seconds!

With all of this in mind, you are now ready to make smarter financial judments based in reliable currency data. Use Exchangr to boost your finances and gain access to the global market!

Related post: A Simple Forex API For Downloading Foreign Exchange Rates

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyCryptocurrenciesE-commerceFintechTechnology