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A cooperation of three Swiss companies are building blockchain exchange

Deutsche Börse, Swiss telecommunications company Swisscom and FinTech Sygnum are developing a trading platform for digital assets. The aim is to build a secure and trusted digital asset trading infrastructure. It will meet the regulatory requirements of financial supervision.

Key elements of the new ecosystem for digital assets includes issuance, custody, access to liquidity and banking services. It is based on distributed ledger technology which is blockchain technology. And the digitization of existing assets, the so-called tokenization, has the potential to fundamentally change the global financial markets.


The cooperation includes an investment by Deutsche Börse in Custodigit AG. Custodigit AG, a joint venture between Swisscom and Sygnum, offers regulated financial service providers solutions for the safekeeping of digital assets. Also, Deutsche Börse and Sygnum participate in daura AG. The company develops a platform based on distributed ledger technology. This enables small and medium sized Swiss companies to issue, transfer and register shares.

Other Swiss exchanges are also switching to blockchain technology. The Blockchain based SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) of the SIX Swiss Exchange, Switzerland’s largest stock exchange, is scheduled to go on stream in the summer of 2019.

Published inCryptocurrencies