Do you need to find the perfect way to get rice rates in Canadian Dollars? Then use an API!
Rice is a cereal grain that is consumed by more than half of the world’s population, with Asia, Latin America, and Africa consuming the most rice. It is the world’s third most abundant agricultural crop, after only sugarcane and maize. It is also the most significant food crop for human nutrition and caloric consumption, accounting for more than one-fifth of all calories consumed globally.
Traditionally, this commodity is grown by flooding the fields during or after the establishment of young seedlings. This basic strategy necessitates careful watering planning, but it hinders the growth of weaker weed and pest plants that do not have a submerged growing condition, as well as repelling rodents. Flooding is not required for rice cultivation, despite being the most effective and successful approach.

China is the world’s largest producer of rice, closely followed by India. In 2019, these two nations produced 200 million and 177 million tons of grain, respectively. As you can see, the rice sector moves at a breakneck pace every day, causing its price to shift almost every hour.
Arkansas and Mississippi, hundreds of kilometers to the south, are the nearest North American places where considerable volumes of rice are grown. According to the experts, Canada has a high chance of becoming a rice producer because the crop grows at similar latitudes in Korea, Japan, and even northern China.
But how can you keep track of rice in Canadian Dollars all the time? We advocate utilizing an API, which is an interface that can provide you with information about any type of data you wish to examine. This is used by a wide range of websites for a variety of purposes.
How To Find This
To make use of this, you must find software that permits you to access the API once every hour. There are many of them available online, but you should be careful which one you choose because not all of them work the same way or produce the same effects.
We strongly urge you to use Commodities-API, one of the most beneficial commodity rate tools available, to save time and money. Every minute, this API receives pricing data from over 15 reliable data sources, including banks and financial data.

To obtain the API with hourly pricing, you must first complete the following steps:
- Go to and generate your own API key.
- Locate the symbol of rice (RICE) and Canadian Dollars (CAD)
- Locate the product and money in the list using these symbols. Make the API call after you’ve decided on them.
- Look for the most up-to-date pricing. The website will provide you with an API in a number of computer languages that you are free to modify and use anyway you see appropriate.
Why Commodities-API?
Commodities-API can deliver real-time commodities data with an accuracy of 2 decimal points and a frequency of up to 60 seconds. Exchange rates for almost every commodity, as well as Precious Metals, currency conversion, Time-Series data, and volatility statistics, are all accessible.
Price rises are seen in rice, wheat, coffee, corn, sugar, Brent crude oil, West Texas Intermediate crude oil, soybeans, gold, silver, and other commodities. This API provides accurate commodity and exchange rate data for almost every commodity, as well as 170 different foreign currencies, including Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies.
Also published on Medium.