If you’re a debt collector and you’re looking for the best software to better reach your clients, use email marketing!
Being a debt collector is not an easy task. If you work as one, you might have to contact different clients in order to discuss a debt and to ask for its repayment. Being a debt collector is not easy: many people have enough reasons for their lack of payment. Besides, a debt collector has to be sensitive enough to understand each particular situation and yet keep committed to the purpose of their clients.However, you should take people’s personal and financial situation into account, including their ability in order to make repayments. Your communication skills need to be on point for this position, and you can reset the myths about debt collectors using intimidation and threats to receive due assets. Debt collectors should only contact people when it is necessary to do so and for a reasonable purpose.

Among your responsabilities we can mention:
- making a demand for payment
- making arrangements for repayment
- finding out why people didn’t meet an agreed repayment plan
- reviewing a repayment plan after an agreed period of time
- inspecting or recovering mortgaged goods (if they have a right to do so).

Why Should I use Postr for Email Marketing?
As a debt collector, yo can contact debtors via phone call, email, text or even social media message.
So, for this email marketing can be extremely useful and effective. This is the use of email to advertise products or services while creating connections with potential consumers or clients. Although it is a widely used tool, not a lot of email marketing providers allow debt collectors to use them. Because of this, you’ll probably lose a lot of time searching for one that does not ban your content and gives you good results. To help you with that decision, we highly recommend using Postr, one of the most permissive email marketing tools available.

This email marketing tool allows you to deliver customised information to each customer (something standard email marketing solutions do not allow). The best thing is that there are no boundaries on the amount of people that may enter your contest or sweepstakes. Postr has no hidden fees nor limitations since you only pay for the number of emails you send.