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21 google tools to help grow your business

In this article, you will learn 21 google tools to boost your productivity, access to information and exposure on the web. In short, they will grow your business.

The information giant has many tools for many things. On this occasion, we will focus on those that will help you grow your business.

21 google tools to grow your business

This is one of the google tools for entrepreneurs that focuses on providing information.

Google alerts is responsible for sending you information about the topics you want, whenever you want and your email.

It is very simple. You simply choose the keyword you want to receive information from. In this case, I wrote “Real Madrid”.

You can choose how often you want to receive notifications, language, region and your mail.

Once you create the alert, it looks like this:

And if you want to create more alerts, you can do it easily.

This tool for google seems great because “without doing anything”, you can receive information from your niche and be always at the forefront.

Go to Google Alerts

With Google Trends you will know what is the search trend of what you want.

As an example, I will put myself in the position of a Chilean entrepreneur who will sell shoes very similar to Nike. As you are just starting out, you want to know in which places of Chile the Nike shoes are most wanted. And also, he wants to know if people are still looking for those shoes.

In “search term” I wrote “nike shoes”.

It is seen that over time, in this case of 12 months, interest in the subject has increased. Additionally, you can know in which sub-regions there is more interest.

Go to Google Trends

Google Drive is one of the most robust and useful google tools available. It is a platform in the cloud where you can save anything.

You can create folders, share them with other collaborators, and within each folder you can add images, audios and create the following documents:

Docs: It works in a similar way to Microsoft Word.

Sheets: It works similarly to Microsoft Excel.

Slides: It works in a similar way to Microsoft Power point.

And you can edit each of these documents from your mobile or computer. Also, through Drive you can use other google tools; like the following:

A fundamental part of all entrepreneurship is the validation stage. That’s why this is one of the google tools you should use.

Google Forms allows you to create surveys in a very simple way. All you have to do is open an account in Google Drive

Once inside. Follow this route: My drive> More> Google Forms.

Here you have 2 options:

Create the survey from scratch.

Use a template

For example, if you need to create a survey to request contact information, you will find a template called “Contact Information”. You can change the questions, add new ones, create sections … in short.

This is the google tool you need to receive feedback on your business ideas.

Go to Google Forms

If you are part of a work team, it is important that you have tools that allow you to communicate remotely.

Skype, Viber, Whatsapp … all are excellent alternatives. But when it comes to large numbers of people, Google Hangouts stands out from its competition.

You can also use it on your computer or mobile devices.

Download Hangouts for Android

Download Hangouts for iOS

There are many google tools and it is difficult to choose a favorite, since they serve different purposes. But if I had to choose, Google Keep would be among the top 3.

The concept is simple: Write down whatever it is and carry that information on all your devices.

For example, you go down the street and remember that you must do something for your project. Simply from your mobile, you write homework.

Once you get home and sit at your computer, you go to Google Keep, and there will be the information you wrote away from home.

Below you will see 2 screenshots. 1 taken from my computer and another from the cell phone.

In the examples above, the note is called “Pending Entrepreneurial Mode”.

In each note you can assign some characteristics such as:

Write assignments and check them when you complete them.

Set alarms for reminder.

Invite collaborators

Change colors

You can create the notes you want. I have a note of “pending Entrepreneurial Mode”, another one of “business ideas”, and another one of “Home tasks”. And each one, I share it with different people. In such a way that they can also edit the notes.

You can also create notes based on images. For example, you saw a business that looked good and you took a picture of it. And you can also save voice notes.

If you have a partner and you want to be up to date with everything related to your project, Google Keep is the perfect tool. Simple and efficient

Download Google Keep for Android.

Download Google Keep for iOS.

This is one of the google tools most used by the work team, since it allows them to have the schedule of all their activities.

Imagine you have a meeting at 2pm. Google Calendar sends you an email before to remind you. Or for example you set an alarm in Google Keep; it will be reflected in Google Calendar.

In the example of point 6, I had set an alarm at 1pm (1pm). When I check Google Calendar on the mobile, there it is. So I make sure not to schedule 2 events at the same time.

You decide who can edit your calendar and send invitations to participate in the meetings. Also, if you have flights or restaurant reservations, they will be added to your calendar automatically.

Download Google calendar for Android.

Download Google calendar for iOS.

If you have a business with a physical point, it is essential that your future customers can find you online.

All you have to do is enter Google my business and fill out a pretty simple form. The result will be that your business appears in the searches of google and google maps, more or less like this:

Go to Google my Business

There are still more Google tools to know, but first, we would like to ask you a favor. Simply vote from 1 to 5 to know how you think about this article so far. Thank you!

21 google tools to grow your business. 4.2 5 votes votes

Let’s continue…

Google Shopping allows you to find a list of prices and competitors easily. In addition, you can make your products easier to find.

Imagine that every day you receive customers while you are focused on your business. It would be incredible, would not it?

Google Ads is the platform through which you can make your business come out first in Google searches.

You establish the budget and decide which objectives you want to achieve.

Google Keywords is one of the google tools that is immersed in Google Ads, but you may not know it.

If you want your customers to find you by searching on Google, you must use the correct keywords. That is, the words that are most sought after.

This is when Google Keywords comes into play, because in a simple way, you can know the number of searches for any word.

It is the perfect tool if you need to create a simple website. It’s intuitive, so the learning curve is pretty fast.

I made this example. Click on the image to go to the website.

When you create a web page (click here to know a step by step to create it), you should know how many people are entering.

It is also important that you know how long it takes to see your content, where the visitors are from, at what times there are more people on your page; anyway. All this information is useful so you can make adjustments and get more customers.

Google Analytics allows you to access all this information and more. If you want to learn how to use it thoroughly, you can take these free google certified courses.

If you want to make money with a blog, Google Adsense is a great alternative. The platform allows you to set guidelines on your page and you get money for that.

The more people visit your page, the more likely you are to click on the guidelines and get more money.

This is essential to know which words are finding you on the net. In this way, you can adapt the texts of your web pages to find you more easily.

You will also be able to know how many clicks you have received in google, the average position in which you leave; among others.

Google G Suite allows you to access a set of google tools, intertwined and focused exclusively on your business.

Although many of the tools, are those that we saw previously; when you are part of G suite, you access more benefits. As unlimited space for Google Drive, or a corporate email for your Gmail account.

However, the G Suite has a cost, but it is quite low. Also, when you are part of G Suite, you have access to other tools, such as Hire, which is ideal to carry out hiring processes.

If you have a web page for your company, it is vital that you upload fast. It is proven that if a page lasts more than 5 seconds to load, more than 50% of visitors are lost.

Page Speed Insights lets you know how fast your page load is. Additionally, it makes an analysis of the improvements you can make.

It is very simple. You just have to write the URL and that’s it.

The functionality of this tool is the same as that of Page Speed Insights: inform you about the speed of your web page.

The difference is that Test my Site sends an email with suggestions to improve speed, along with information on what each of the improvements is.

It is very likely that you already know Gmail. But I decided to put it on this list for all the integrations it has with other google tools.

Also, with your same Gmail password, you access the other Google tools.

Google News

Google News allows you to group different sources of information on the same topic. Unlike the normal Google search; all you are going to find is news.

For example, if I search for “Jeff Bezos” in Google, the first results are from Wikipedia and Forbes. But if I look for “Jeff Bezos” in Google News, all the results are recent news that involves him.

This tool is great to be up to date on all your topics of interest.

Download Google News for Android

Download Google News for iOS


Although it is not a tool per se, it can help you a lot to grow your business. Here you will find infinity of information with which you will learn how to leverage your company.

Go to Think with google in Spanish.

I hope these Google tools are of great help to you.

Published inStartups