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Cloud is the #1 skill most demanded in LinkedIn. Bonus: Top 25 most demanded skills

Linkedin has created a list with the 25 most demanded skills in its platform. So if you are thinking of expanding your training, we recommend that the course you do is related to one of the following points that make up the ranking.

With the introduction of new technologies in the world of work, there are many companies that want to benefit from all the extras that can bring them.

For this reason, the most common is that they want to expand their workforce and, for that, publish some offer in job portals or in the professional social network par excellence: LinkedIn.

But what are the most demanded skills in LinkedIn?

Next, we show you the ranking of courses or specialties most requested by companies, according to the latest report prepared by the multinational, as well as the courses they recommend to get up to date. Of course, we warn you that being a global list, the training is in English.

25. Databases and software

24. Economics

23. Services for the automotive industry: parts and design

22. Virtualization

21. QA Software and User Testing

20. Business Intelligence

19. Java developer

18. Mac, Linux and Unix

17. Shell-script programming

16. Perl / Python / Ruby

15. Algorithm Design

14. Electrical and electronic engineering

13. Storage and management systems

12. Data engineering and Data storage

11. Management of Marketing campaigns

10. Security of Information and Networks

9. Mobile development

8. SEO / SEM

7. Data presentation

6. Revision Control System

5. User interface design

4. Web architecture and framework development

3. Integration Software and Middleware

2. Statistical analysis and data mining

1. Cloud & Distributed Computing

Published inCloud