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Daily Gold Price: Check It With This API

Get daily updates on the price of gold and other precious metals with just this API alone. Read more and find everything you need to know about it right here!

There is no doubt that gold is one of the most wanted and high-value metals in the market. Although it has its practical uses; it’s most common use is for jewelry as well as being used as an inversion or way to store capital. Because of these reasons, there are many types of people that buy gold. In case you are one of them, either a finance company or a common person interested in it, then you might know the problem of keeping up to its price.

Indeed, the price of gold is something that can vary or change depending on certain factors. Also, the price can be a great indicator of whether it’s best to buy, sell, wait or hold on gold itself. But, if it’s such an important detail how can one get access to daily updates on it?

The answer is simple; get to use a precious metal API. It can give you live data and updates on how the price of gold could change. API or Application Programming Interface is a type of technology application which can help you get data from one system to another faster and easier. APIs that search for metal are quite used nowadays so don’t fall back and get them for yourself as well.

Finding The Right API

A good starting point for anyone wanting to use an API for tracking metal prices is Metals API. This is a powerful site that offers an efficient service of reliable and precise data while remaining user-friendly. The main page shows you all the features and perks of using it and can give you a better understanding of the service.

Nonetheless, here is a small recap on how Metals API works and how you can use it. First, you need to have an account on the site which you can create from the main page. With your account you get an Access Key. This key lets you use the APIs many endpoints which can be; current price and historical price of a metal; fluctuation and changes; time-series data; and more.

Each of Metals API endpoints can be seen from the Documentation Page; in there and within each endpoint there are the instructions on how to use it; what to copy, what to complete and what you get when you send the call to Metals API.


How To Use An API To Get Daily Updates On The Price Of Gold

If you would like for Metals API to display the price of gold then all you need to know is find the Latest Rates endpoint. With it, you just complete the parameters like the Access Key and any other optional ones; which of them can give better results; hit “run” and you’ll get back the data.

You can use Metals API daily since with your account you get 50 calls every month. Basically, each day you can make 1 call to the API and you’ll be able to get daily updates. However, while 50 seem like an adequate number, you can get more calls thanks to the available upgrade plans. You can check them out under the pricing page!

Use Metals API and find out each day which is the latest price of gold and other metals!

I’m sure you’ll like this related post: Looking For The Closing Price Of Copper? This API Is For You

Published inAppsTechnology