Check the rates of precious metals like gold, silver and more with any of these APIs: Find the right API for your Jewelry Store among this 3 options!
There is no doubt that for any store which dedicates and deals with jewelry that uses precious metals that information of the supply and demand is necessary. Basically, it’s important to know how the prices of materials that are common for jewelry and accessories like gold, silver, copper and more are.
However, this information is not that easy to come by. Data gathering for the metal market is tricky and can become tedious and stressful. Because of this, as a jewelry store you may benefit from the use of an API or Application Programming Interface that automatically researches prices of metals.
Is this possible? Yes it is! APIs are a type of technology which aim to cut short the time it takes for someone to get data. In itself and technically, APIs work to safely transfer data from one system to another. APIs that work to provide data on precious metals of high value are not uncommon and can easily be found online.

Which API Is Best For A Jewelry Store?
While there are many APIs for metals on the web, it can be boring searching for the right one. Given that, we have made this small display of 3 great options of an API for metals that any jewelry store can benefit from using. Read and try them all out to see which can fit best to you!
Metals API
Many view put Metals API as the best first choice for obtaining metal data. This website offers a user-friendly and efficient system. It can look up and provide accurate and trustworthy values and data on current metal rates, currency fluctuations, conversion rates, time-series, and a lot more. The main page can give you a better overview of all that this API offers.
To explain it simply how Metals API operates lets boil it down to a few steps; first is the accessing of the APIs endpoints, this is done with an account and a Access Key. After that, finding the endpoint in the documentation page that has your interest. Once there, copy the endpoint, complete any parameters and make the call by hitting “run”.
While it may look deceitful in how simple it is; I can reassure that it truly works like that. In the Documentation Page you can find the steps by steps of all the endpoints as well as the guide on how to integrate with languages like Python; JavaScript; and PHP!
Xignite is also a user-favorite choice. When using this API you can quickly gather all the crucial information you need or want. Its all thanks to a user-friendly interface and well-designed layout which welcomes you to use the site!
If you’re a developer, you’ll love Xignate; it was written with the goal of being used by other programmers. To put it another way, since it was made to work with developers; it’s highly compatible with many different programming languages. Overall, it offers variety to its users as well as adaptability!
Despite looking a little lackluster, GoldAPI is a powerful site. There is no doubt that knowing both historical and current price data about gold and silver can surely benefit a jewelry store. GoldAPI counts with a system that doesn’t need to stand out or attract much attention because of its direct, basic design yet efficient and fast. You get started on your account immediately by going to the main page, completing the simple 30-second procedure there, and in doing so; starting to use this great API!
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