If you want an API that can get you metal data try this one out! It can provide data like historical rates of a metal and more.
The metal trading market can be, like many others, a market in which information is key. A lot of companies, stores or individuals that deal with metal trading know that data and keeping up with the state of the market is vital for them. Because of this, a lot of recent efforts are made with the intent to facilitate data and details more easily.
A good way that presents itself thanks to the modern days of technology is the service of APIs. Better known as Application Programming Interface; they are a type of digital help which aims to reduce the time and increase the efficiency of data transfer for two systems. Basically, they open a channel of communication that connects two operating systems. This, in turn, allows for data to be transported and delivered quickly and safely.
Furthermore, many APIs have the benefit of developers integrating them with many programming languages. This can make the API work with a code and thus, be of service to more automated processes. For example, a developer can integrate an API and use it to display data of metals, in this case, in their website with one click. This can save a lot of time of research.

Where Can I Find An API That Gets Me Metal Data?
As both a personal and objective recommendation, Metals API is one of the best there is. This is an API which works with grace and haste to provide accurate and reliable information. For any dedicated trader of metal, this API will fit like a glove and up their game.
It works rather simply so you can get used to it in no time. First, the API has available many options for information such as; both current and historical metal rates; a fluctuation value of the metal rates; it can display the highs and lows; as well as other important details. In Metals API’s Documentation Page or its Features on the Main Page you can see all that this API provides.
To run a quick breakdown on how it works as well, the API operates with calls which you make to it. These calls happen when you input an endpoint (which are available in the documentation page) of the data you want. After that, you send the call and later Metals API will output a response which contains the data.

How Can I Get The Historical Rate Of A Metal?
After you have first made an account on the site, you then head to the Documentation Page. In there, you’ll find all the endpoints that are available, just search for the historical metal rate or price. Once you have it, you use your given Access Key by the site since it is necessary; after which, you fill the required parameters and the optional ones if you want a better result. At the end, you hit “run” and soon after Metals API will deliver you the data!
It’s really simple and once you do it a few times you’re good to go. Anytime you get confused on how it’s done you can just consult the Documentation Page where it details step-by-step what to do.
With your account of Metals API you get a monthly number of 50 calls to make, each month they are renewed for you to use. Besides that, you also get the chance to purchase any of the upgrade plans seen on the Pricing Page of the API. See them all and get whichever suits you best!
Don’t waste any minute and get all the data you need from Metals API! If you use it you’ll be the best metal trader!
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