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Use This Text To Speech API With Realistic Female Or Male And Neutral Voices

When you work on audiovisual projects, there are a few things you have to keep in mind. While the perfect video quality is often sought; the truth is that audio is just as important as it helps form the foundation of what will capture your audience’s attention. Simply put, a voiceover is nothing more than a voice that speaks to an audience through a video or radio spot. It really is as fundamental as everyone believes it to be? It’s really necessary? Can you create really engaging voices for your audience? You will save money and you can do it quickly if you find the right software. Therefore, keep reading Use This Text To Speech API With Realistic Female Or Male And Neutral Voices; we will tell you about Woord, a software that will allow you to generate realistic voices of all kinds.

More and more companies choose to make videos with corporate voices to convey their message to the public. It is an opportunity to show your brand voice, something that will help you stand out from the rest.

You have to find a way to stand out, be different through your audiovisual voice and connect directly with the audience. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right video voice.

What is the corporate voice?

A corporate voice is the sound identity of a company, they are voices for videos that come to identify the company practically at the same level as the logo or slogan.

The voice has to be consistent with the public, with the message and with the emotion that you want to transmit, it is an audiovisual voice that must be fully identified with your brand, in this way you will reach your target in a more natural way.

The voice for videos is mainly given in television commercials, and some of them will come to mind to all of us when we think of brands like Lidl, Aldi or BMW, which always use the same voice for the narration. This helps the viewer to relate concepts, even if they are not paying attention to the video, just by listening to the audio they will know which advertiser it is.

However, more and more voices are being used for videos on social media, ads on YouTube, and many other non-TV media, including through podcasts.


Woord is a without-charge online text reader with a variety of useful features. It contains more than 50 languages, including a variety of dialects. Furthermore, this API allows one to choose between masculine, feminine, or non-binary voices.

You can test out the service before investing in the premium version thanks to the availability of all of these features without cost. The costless edition comes with up to 20,000 characters each month, premium voices, a Chrome plugin, an SSML editor, an MP3 download, and all of these features. The speed and format of the voice can both be changed with this application.

Nonetheless, we recommend that for commercial use you buy a premium subscription to this natural voices API; they are economic and ready for commercial use. Also, with the premium versions of Woord, you 100% own intellectual property for all files.

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