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Google Play: offers applications and games for free and with great discounts for a short time

Hold on, that offers arrive on Google Play. They come well loaded; with more icon packs and customization apps than you’ll need in a year. Also are lots of games and applications that I pay that can be yours for free or for very little money .

Free applications

We start as always for those payment applications that are free for a limited time. If you download now, will be yours forever. The selection of wallpapers applications is almost endless. There  are  some interesting games like Hardboiled (similar to Fallout), Freelancer Simulator Inc or Air Hockey VR, to play with a Day Dream device.

Discount applications

The selection of apps and paid games that have their price discounted is even greater, with a huge selection of interesting games such as Dark Strokes, Slender Last Sleep or Allan Poe’s Nightmare and applications such as Retro NES Pro or Weather Forecast Pro.

Published inApps