Aren’t you tired of looking everywhere for information regarding any company? From now on it will only take you one click. If you start using this new all-in-one data classifier API now, your problems will be solved! Get every piece of data that you want in a matter of seconds.
Klazify API is a tool created to help everyone who needs fast and complete information. This classification tool is an all-in-one domain data source that can get any website, logo, or company data, and then categorize it. And the best part is, that you only need an URL link, domain, or email address! Using this API means that you want a secure, affordable, high-quality and efficient source of information. It is even able to categorize IPs and domains. Some may be thinking right now about who needs it and what for. This may come in handy for anyone who is looking for a not-plagiarized logo. Or for someone who wants to see and learn about the competition. Or maybe a marketing team who wants to do an email campaign and needs companies’ emails. In conclusion, many different jobs require the use of a data classification API.
This data classification API is amazing because of how precise it is. Klazify API is highly accurate because, with a simple search into a company’s information, this categorizing system will sort every bit of data found in 385 possible categories. As well as that, this API also is based on a trusted public standard. It bases its classification taxonomy on the IAB V2 standard, which you can use for 1-1 personalization, marketing segmentation, online filtering and more. And you can even find any logo. Extract them on the fly on any domain, URL or IP address.

Why this one? And why is it all-in-one?
While some tools only present you with a certain amount of information, this sorting API will show you everything that is out to the public eye. Thanks to the following four features, Klazify API is the one tool that you need. This is an all-in-one API because it has four main features that stand out. Firstly, this API grants three top-level category structures to choose from. Whether you need the deep categorization provided by the IAB taxonomy or prefer a more simple category structure, it has what you need. Secondly, you can get a list of links to all the social media channels of a domain. This classification API searches are in real-time, which means that you will get updated social media links every time. Thirdly, you can get any logo that you want. Since this API works in real-time, the results you get are the newest and even from the most obscure brands. And lastly, this tool uses a machine learning (ML) engine to scan a website’s content and meta tags. It extracts text to classify the site and assigns up to three categories aided by natural language processing (NLP).
What else should you know?
Part of the hype that this API gets is because of how easy it is to use. You can either pass a domain, URL or email and get all the information that you require. You just have to pass it through the proper endpoint. Amazing, right? And signing up and subscribing to it is really simple as well. You can pick between two affordable packages to subscribe to. The first is the “Pro” plan, which includes 10,000 API calls a month for $89.00. And the second option is the “Plus” plan, which offers 100,000 API calls for $790.00 a month. Both prices are listed in USD.

If you find yourself with questions, you can either check the API’s website or contact us. Our contact email is [email protected] and our chatting room offers immediate assistance from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+1).