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Top 3 OCR (Optical Character Recognition) APIs In 2022

This article will give you useful insights into three of the best Optical Character Recognition APIs. You will get to know better what OCR is, how it helps your company, and more!

What Is An OCR API?

Optical Character Recognition or just OCR is an advanced technology procedure that permits the examination and recognition of images. All of this with the goal of extracting text from the images in question. Therefore, the integration of an API of this kind into your company’s Sofware will bring incredible outcomes.

Hence, if a company is looking to extract the text gathered in images to accelerate processes. An Optical Character Recognition API is perfect for them. Companies will then retrieve text with the use of the API, convert it to code, and process the information. 

Moreover, an OCR API will directly enhance the performance of companies and businesses. They do not have to waste time looking for ways how to extract information from images. After all, the API will carry out such a task. A Characteristic that will help businesses have more accurate results. Thankfully, APIs have the capability of handling big baggage of information.


Additionally, this kind of API is perfect for all industries and markets. For example, marketing companies will get to know if their brand is being used correctly across the internet. Also, the healthcare industry can use OCR APIs to help them have a better organization of the medical history of patients. Plus, save it in the same space. Even the readability of medical receipts can become an easier task with the use of the API. 

Now that you have a clearer view of what an Optical Character Recognition API is. Plus some of the benefits it has across industries and companies. I recommend the top three OCR APIs in 2022:

Top 3 OCR APIs:


Optical Character Recognition API

This OCR API will examine with extreme detail all the words embodied in the images your company wants to analyze. It is an extremely easy and intuitive API that will merge perfectly with your company’s software. After all, the only thing the API needs to perform is the URL of the images you want to extract information from.

Moreover, this OCR API possesses a categorization feature that sets it apart from the rest of the APIs of this kind. Because of the smart technology that embodies the API, once it delivers the texts and words you will catch them in seconds in the category they fit the best!



Receipts and financial records are examples of unstructured documents that Docsumo will convert is valuable data. The API has artificial Intelligence software powered by OCR technology.  The API works with documents in any format.


Amazon Rekognition

Your company will get text in pictures and movies with Amazon Rekognition. The texts will turn into text that is machine-readable. This machine-readable text detection will help turn ideas into reality. Although it doesn’t recognize diacritics and other characters, it may be able to identify words that have characters in other languages.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology