A Domain Categorization API is a tool that helps you categorize websites by their topics. Some of these tools are highly advanced, and can even be used to automatically classify new websites.
Domain categorization is the process of applying keywords to websites and web pages. For example, when you type “www.example.com” into a search engine, it will categorize the website as a ‘website’ and then it will look for other terms that might describe it: ‘example’, ‘com’, and so on.
A Domain Categorization API is useful to anyone who wants to track the popularity of a particular topic across the internet; for example, if you are interested in the spread of news about politics, it would be helpful to know which web pages on the internet discuss those topics.

In order to categorize websites and web pages, you have to be able to understand what they are about and what they talk about. A Domain Categorization API helps by giving you access to an organized list of keywords that apply to that domain.
You can use a Domain Categorization API for:
- Finding competitors
- Market research
- Automated competitive intelligence gathering
There are hundreds of APIs out there, so which one should you use? We recommend you try out Klazify.

Klazify has evolved into one of the most feature-rich domain APIs on the market. For website classification, it’s a free and extensively used Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning Engine API.
To acquire machine-readable data from a domain categorization API, follow these steps:
- To get your own private API key, go to www.klazify.com and sign up.
- Before submitting, copy and paste the domain into the supplied form and double-check that you are not a robot.
- JSON, PHP, or Python can all be used in the API response.
- Save the data ad use it however you like.
It’s as simple as that! It’s simple, and you and your company may use it to accomplish a number of objectives.
An example of a response is as follows:
{ "domain": { "categories": [ { "confidence": 0.69, "name": "/Online Communities" } ], "domain_url": "http://www.reddit.com", "social_media": null, "logo_url": "https://klazify.s3.amazonaws.com/72644513816371671666195303e293793.01678727.png" }, "success": true, "objects": { "company": { "name": "Reddit", "city": "San Francisco", "stateCode": "CA", "countryCode": "US", "employeesRange": "1K-5K", "revenue": null, "raised": 550100000, "tags": [ "Internet", "Web Services & Apps", "Technology", "Forums", "Mobile", "B2C" ], "tech": [ "google_apps", "aws_route_53", "amazon_ses", "mailgun",
Is This a Risk-Free Option?
Yes, it most certainly is! Using the IAB V2 Standard classification taxonomy, this platform will go to the relevant domain name or URL, collect data, and build suitable categories. Personalization, marketing segmentation, internet restriction, and a number of other uses are all possible with these categories. As a result, the URL or domain may be categorized into a number of different groups.
Klazify’s categorization is perfect for internet filtering and security applications since it can handle virtually any foreign language or domain.
Here is where you may sign up for Klazify.
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Get Revenue data using A Company Domain with this API
Also published on Medium.