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3 Most Popular APIs For Identifying Phishy URLs In 2022

Are you looking for options of APIs to identify phishy URLs? Well, because we know that there are a bunch of them out there, we have made a list of the 3 most popular ones in 2022 that we ensure they won’t deceive you!

As more crooks use online schemes to steal your personal information, phishing avoidance is now crucial. Spam emails are easy to avoid, but phishing emails can appear convincing. Some are even specially tailored for you. You need to be aware of the warning signs because ultimately you will probably be subjected to a phishing attack. Because online frauds are nothing new, yet phishing is more difficult to recognize than you may believe.

Phishing attempts have lured unwary victims into providing bank account information, social security numbers, and other information all over the internet. Additionally, fraudsters are getting even better at disguising themselves. Sometimes these frauds use people whose voices you recognize and trust, such as your bank, your government, or your workplace.

3 Most Popular APIs For Identifying Phishy URLs In 2022

Phish Scanner API

The Phish Scanner API, unlike traditional blacklist services, employs machine learning to detect phishing, making it possible to identify even the most recent phishing attempts. The Phish Scanner API is used by cybersecurity enthusiasts and specialists to develop cutting-edge OSINT security applications or to enhance domain monitoring and anti-phishing techniques.

3 Most Popular APIs For Identifying Phishy URLs In 2022

Each URL submission receives a Phish Score from the API, which also offers a plethora of features for clients to employ in the development of sophisticated dashboards or algorithms that take into account each Phish’s own characteristics.

Additional variables for the request can include timeouts, browser preferences, and even the functionality you wish your answer to have. When using the Phish Scanner API, all of this is explained in the documentation.

ApiVoid’s URL Reputation API

With the aid of this URL Reputation API, you may identify URLs that might be phishing or fraudulent. This API thoroughly examines the URL (including the URL content, URL pattern, domain name, HTTP headers, domain TLD, and so on) using thousands of clever internal rules in order to identify possibly dangerous URLs.

3 Most Popular APIs For Identifying Phishy URLs In 2022

It is helpful for acquiring thorough threat information about a URL or for blocking suspicious URLs received via email. This API is excellent for determining a URL’s safety reputation. This API can be used to determine a URL’s risk score, determine whether it may be malicious or phishing, or both.

Get all its data here

Kapersky API

Modern AI technology is used in every Kaspersky plan to identify and stop any kind of online attack, even ones that have never been seen before. They safeguard your privacy by preventing unauthorized attempts to access your webcam or monitor your online behavior each time you connect to the internet.

3 Most Popular APIs For Identifying Phishy URLs In 2022

When you bank or shop online, you may protect your payments with this API’s hacker-proof Protected Browser. With the help of this program, you can prevent hackers from accessing your network and determine which websites and emails are secure for you to open.

Go to to check its information

Published inAppsTechnology
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