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3 APIs To Keep In Mind When Censoring Your Site

Many of us deal with user input, search terms, and circumstances where the input text could contain abusive language or other inappropriate language. This needs to be filtered out frequently.

We offer configurable content filters that enable you to present your users with the most appropriate kind of content. The Motion Picture Association is intended to be mapped by our filters (MPA). However, it’s crucial to emphasize that we don’t expose the kind of nudity that may be seen in R-rated movies.

The internet may occasionally be a dreadful and unpleasant place. On social networking sites, forums, and streaming services alike, there is a lot of content that is divisive. If you want to protect your children from bullying or keep them away from explicit content, using a profanity filter can be helpful.

Every filter is completely within your control.
Make new lists, edit existing ones, and import your current lists to go beyond what the filters are able to detect. Customize the setup to meet your needs.

1- Misspellings

2-More spaces

3-Four hyphens inserting unique characters.

4- Let’s discuss dissent.

3 APIs To Keep In Mind When Censoring Your Site

Setting up an automated word filter will save you time and effort by preventing users who are abusing your platform from using foul language or engaging in other unpleasant behavior. However, screening for profanity goes beyond simply harsh or coarse language. Additionally conceivable are references to personal data, images, URLs, acronyms, and linguistic references.

By the end, you’ll comprehend the benefits that profanity filtering provides, enabling programmers to focus on creating a thrilling virtual event for your audience rather than spending time watching messages. Additionally, a safe environment is ensured, enabling people of all ages to enjoy their time online.

Along with identifying and extracting undesired words from the text, you can censor it using these API alternatives. The following APIs are the most suggested ones for quickly and effectively filtering out all the harmful terms.

Bad Words Filter API

3 APIs To Keep In Mind When Censoring Your Site

Accentuation, case, ordering, and other linguistic conventions are disregarded as the channel splits the contribution to intelligent phrases using standard language processing ( (NLP). Word changes can assist in identifying terms that are wordy in addition to highlighting words with repetitive letters, excessive whitespace, and distinctive characters. The Bad Word Filter API lets you edit problematic terms right in the text in addition to locating and removing unwanted phrases from the text.

A text input string or URL will be provided to the API, and it will then provide a list of the majority of unfavorable phrases it has discovered. You can even use another person’s name in place of these dreadful words. Using a reference symbol or another way, you could decide.


3 APIs To Keep In Mind When Censoring Your Site

evaluating images based on their content (nudity, intense sexuality, profanity, violence or other potentially disturbing subject matter). A quick, reliable, and reasonably priced API for identifying NSFW images.

The engine is the NVIDIA DGX-2. The maximum size of an image is 16384 by 16384.
formats for PNG, GIF, JPEG, and WEBP.
either color or monochromatic.
alpha-channel is either present or absent.

An example of a response is “nsfw”: 0.16604627668857574.

that shows 16.6% of the content to be NSFW.

Ai Powered Content Moderator

3 APIs To Keep In Mind When Censoring Your Site

The technology has the ability to recognize profanity in more than 100 different languages. Text can only be 1024 characters long when using the API. Ai Powered Content Moderator will offer an error code informing the user of the problem if the content it receives is larger than the permitted size.

The cognitive service APS Information Moderator API searches text for possibly harmful, offensive, or unpleasant information. The service tags this information with the proper labels when it is discovered (flags). Your app can then manage flagged content to adhere to standards or keep up the intended user experience.

Published inAppsTechnology
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