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Month: April 2019

Women are taking strong steps as entrepreneurs: Hear what they have to say

The changes produced by the digital revolution are introducing incredible possibilities, also accompanied by intimidating challenges. Therefore, digital literacy or learning about technology is already considered a critical skill for all people. According to a report by the GSMA, “the lack of digital skills and relevant content at the local…

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Want to be an entrepreneur? Don’t miss the chance to meet this school

Referent in the educational field, the School of Business and Business Administration, Enae Business School, is in luck. The center, in which many of the best executives of the Region have studied, celebrates its 30th anniversary as a perfect example of the connection between universities and companies. Currently, Enae is…

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Is everyone getting “tokenized”? All you need to know about this topic and how it involves crypto

Social trading platform and crypto exchange eToro has announced that it has bought up the smart contract developer Firmo. Yoni Assia, co-founder and CEO of eToro, said in the press release that the acquisition will help his company increase the supply of “tokenized” assets. To that end he states: “We…

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